
Utah Moves to Protect Consumers from Deceptive Use of AI

The International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP) reports that Utah’s groundbreaking AI law prioritizes consumer protection over strict regulation, aiming to foster innovation. With a focus on accountability for deceptive AI practices, the bill establishes fines for violations and a regulatory mitigation agreement. “In Utah, we believe government should have a light touch, and we want to encourage innovation in Utah,” said state Sen. Kirk Cullimore (R-Utah). Deborah G. Solmor, general counsel at Gateway Foundation notes, “As Utah becomes the first state to enact legislation about the use of artificial intelligence, it’s crucial to recognize that it is unlikely to be the last. So far, AI technology has far outpaced regulatory oversight, underscoring the importance of robust AI governance and the implementation of necessary guardrails. The recent legislation, particularly concerning transparency regarding the use of chatbots, serves as a poignant reminder that while we are enthusiastic about leveraging AI to enhance our business operations, it’s paramount that we prioritize risk awareness and ethical considerations.”